Appointments & What to Expect


Dr. Mozer seeks to provide a nonjudgmental, safe, comfortable space to work together identifying goals and progressing toward them. Goals, for example, may range from symptom reduction and/or management, to stress management, to diagnosis and recommendations, to support with and coping strategies for stressors, life transitions and challenges.

Therapy. The first session will be a little bit longer than subsequent sessions—about one hour in duration—in order to allow time for Dr. Mozer to begin to learn about you, discuss goals for treatment and go over other general information. Subsequent sessions will be about 45-50 minutes.

Before meeting for the first appointment, Dr. Mozer will provide you with a few Intake Forms that will help her learn about you, making the first session more productive.

Neuropsychological Evaluation. Neuropsychological Evaluation includes clinical interview, interview of family and/or caregiver(s) as indicated, and objective, specifically selected standardized, objective measures to evaluate cognitive functioning. Cognitive evaluation often includes evaluation of attention, memory, language, visual-spatial ability and ability to use executive functioning; for example, problem-solving, reasoning, and abstract thinking. Tests are selected depending on the concerns identified to address.

Before the first evaluation appointment, Dr. Mozer will provide you with a few Intake Forms that will help her learn about you making the first session more productive.

Other items to collect before the first evaluation session include:

-medical records as discussed

-list of all current medications and dosages

-glasses and/or hearing devices as needed